Content information
We discuss what is taught in each of the lessons
The objective is for the student to know all the topics covered in this training so that they have information about the skills they will learn with this course.
Giving absolute transparency to the contents explained and generating an exhaustive description in the relevant matters.
News - Changes 2024
Lesson 01 - What to expect?

It tells what you should expect from this course, the approach I give to it and the subjects we cover and, more importantly, how we are going to study them. In a summary of my passion for Unix.
Se relata lo que debes esperar de éste curso. El enfoque que doy al mismo y las materias que abordamos y más importante cómo las vamos a estudiar. En una síntesis de mi pasión por Unix.
Il vous explique ce que vous devez attendre de ce cours, l'approche que j'y donne et les sujets que nous abordons et, plus important encore, comment nous allons les étudier. En résumé, ma passion pour Unix.
它告诉您您应该从本课程中得到什么,我提供的方法和我们涵盖的主题,以及更重要的是,我们将如何学习它们。总结了我对 Unix 的热情。
Es erklärt, was Sie von diesem Kurs erwarten können, welchen Ansatz ich ihm zeige, welche Themen wir behandeln und, noch wichtiger, wie wir sie studieren werden. In einer Zusammenfassung meiner Leidenschaft für Unix.
यह बताता है कि आपको इस कोर्स से क्या उम्मीद करनी चाहिए, मैं इसे किस दृष्टिकोण से देखता हूँ और हम किन विषयों को कवर करते हैं और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि हम उनका अध्ययन कैसे करने जा रहे हैं। यूनिक्स के प्रति मेरे जुनून का सारांश।
Racconta cosa dovresti aspettarti da questo corso, l'approccio che gli do e gli argomenti che trattiamo e, cosa più importante, come li studieremo. In un riassunto della mia passione per Unix.
このコースから何を期待すべきか、このコースに対する私のアプローチ、扱う科目、そしてさらに重要なことに、どのように学習するかについて説明します。Unix に対する私の情熱をまとめたものです。
У ньому розповідається про те, чого ви очікуєте від цього курсу, про мій підхід до нього, про предмети, які ми розглядаємо, і, що більш важливо, про те, як ми збираємося їх вивчати. Коротко про мою пристрасть до Unix.
Explica què has d'esperar d'aquest curs, l'enfocament que li dono i les assignatures que tractem i, el més important, com les estudiarem. En un resum de la meva passió per Unix.
Он рассказывает, чего вам следует ожидать от этого курса, какой подход я ему даю, какие предметы мы изучаем и, что еще важнее, как мы собираемся их изучать. Вкратце о моей страсти к Unix.
Spune la ce ar trebui să vă așteptați de la acest curs, abordarea pe care o dau acestuia și subiectele pe care le acoperim și, mai important, cum le vom studia. Într-un rezumat al pasiunii mele pentru Unix.
Ele conta o que você deve esperar deste curso, a abordagem que dou a ele e os assuntos que cobrimos e, mais importante, como vamos estudá-los. Em um resumo da minha paixão pelo Unix.
এটি বলে যে এই কোর্স থেকে আপনার কী আশা করা উচিত, আমি এটিতে যে পদ্ধতিটি দিই এবং আমরা যে বিষয়গুলি কভার করি এবং আরও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, আমরা কীভাবে সেগুলি অধ্যয়ন করতে যাচ্ছি। ইউনিক্সের প্রতি আমার আবেগের সংক্ষিপ্তসারে।
يخبرك هذا الكتاب بما يجب أن تتوقعه من هذه الدورة، والنهج الذي أتبعه في التعامل معها، والموضوعات التي نتناولها، والأهم من ذلك، كيف سندرسها. في ملخص لشغفي بنظام التشغيل يونكس.
이 과정에서 무엇을 기대해야 하는지, 내가 이 과정에 제공하는 접근 방식, 다루는 과목, 그리고 더 중요한 것은 어떻게 공부할 것인지에 대해 설명합니다. 유닉스에 대한 내 열정을 요약한 것입니다.
Lesson 02 - The Only ... The only one

This course is unique in many ways: Here we have a first reflection of them:
It is the only course that handles current 2024 technologies on a Unix architectural platform
The only one that creates a virtual machine on any cloud:
The only one that handles UNIX with any cloud and also integrates with the most relevant tools
The only one that has UNIX transcriptions in 16 languages
And of course: sed – tr – base64 – bash arrays ...
Este Curso es único en muchas facetas : Aquí tenemos una primera reflexión de las mismas :
Es el único curso que maneja las tecnologías actuales de 2024 en una plataforma arquitectónica Unix
El único que crea una máquina virtual en cualquier nube:
El único que maneja UNIX con cualquier nube y además se integra con las herramientas más relevantes
El único que tiene transcripciones de UNIX en 16 idiomas
Y por supuesto: sed – tr – base64 – matrices bash ...
이 과정은 여러 면에서 독특합니다. 여기서 우리는 그 첫 번째 반영을 볼 수 있습니다.
유닉스 아키텍처 플랫폼에서 최신 2024년 기술을 다루는 유일한 과정입니다.
클라우드 - 컨테이너 - 가상화
모든 클라우드에서 가상 머신을 만드는 유일한 과정입니다.
모든 클라우드에서 UNIX를 처리하고 가장 관련성 있는 도구와 통합하는 유일한 과정입니다.
16개 언어로 UNIX 전사본을 제공하는 유일한 과정입니다.
물론 sed - tr - base64 - bash 배열...
UNIX가 무엇을 할 수 있는지 보여주기 위한 모든 열정
Aquest curs és únic en molts aspectes: Aquí en tenim una primera reflexió:
És l'únic curs que gestiona les tecnologies actuals del 2024 en una plataforma arquitectònica Unix
L'únic que crea una màquina virtual en qualsevol núvol:
L'únic que maneja UNIX amb qualsevol núvol i que també s'integra amb les eines més rellevants
L'únic que té transcripcions UNIX en 16 idiomes
I per descomptat: sed – tr – base64 – matrius bash...
यह कोर्स कई मायनों में अनूठा है: यहाँ हम उनका पहला प्रतिबिंब प्रस्तुत करते हैं:
यह एकमात्र ऐसा कोर्स है जो यूनिक्स आर्किटेक्चरल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर वर्तमान 2024 तकनीकों को संभालता है
क्लाउड - कंटेनर - वर्चुअलाइज़ेशन
एकमात्र ऐसा कोर्स जो किसी भी क्लाउड पर वर्चुअल मशीन बनाता है:
एकमात्र ऐसा कोर्स जो किसी भी क्लाउड के साथ UNIX को संभालता है और सबसे प्रासंगिक टूल के साथ एकीकृत भी होता है
एकमात्र ऐसा कोर्स जिसमें 16 भाषाओं में UNIX ट्रांसक्रिप्शन हैं
और निश्चित रूप से: sed - tr - base64 - bash arrays ...
यह दिखाने का पूरा जुनून कि UNIX क्या कर सकता है
এই কোর্সটি বিভিন্ন উপায়ে অনন্য: এখানে আমরা সেগুলির একটি প্রথম প্রতিফলন পেয়েছি:
এটিই একমাত্র কোর্স যা ইউনিক্স আর্কিটেকচারাল প্ল্যাটফর্মে বর্তমান 2024 প্রযুক্তি পরিচালনা করে
ক্লাউড – ধারক – ভার্চুয়ালাইজেশন
একমাত্র যে কোনো ক্লাউডে একটি ভার্চুয়াল মেশিন তৈরি করে:
AWS - AZURE - GOOGLE Cloud - ডিজিটাল মহাসাগর
একমাত্র যেটি যেকোন ক্লাউডের সাথে UNIX পরিচালনা করে এবং সবচেয়ে প্রাসঙ্গিক সরঞ্জামগুলির সাথে সংহত করে
জিআইটি – টেরাফর্ম – কুবারনেটস
একমাত্র যেটির 16টি ভাষায় UNIX ট্রান্সক্রিপশন রয়েছে
এবং অবশ্যই: sed – tr – base64 – bash অ্যারে ...
ইউনিক্স কি করতে পারে তা দেখানোর সমস্ত প্যাশন
Este curso é único em muitos aspectos: Aqui temos um primeiro reflexo deles:
É o único curso que lida com as tecnologias atuais de 2024 em uma plataforma de arquitetura Unix
O único que cria uma máquina virtual em qualquer nuvem:
O único que lida com UNIX com qualquer nuvem e também se integra com as ferramentas mais relevantes
O único que tem transcrições UNIX em 16 idiomas
E, claro: sed – tr – base64 – bash arrays ...
Этот курс уникален во многих отношениях: вот первое их отражение:
Это единственный курс, который рассматривает современные технологии 2024 года на архитектурной платформе Unix
Единственный, который создает виртуальную машину в любом облаке:
Единственный, который обрабатывает UNIX с любым облаком, а также интегрируется с наиболее релевантными инструментами
Единственный, который имеет транскрипции UNIX на 16 языках
И, конечно же: sed – tr – base64 – массивы bash ...
Этот курс уникален во многих отношениях: вот первое их отражение:
Это единственный курс, который рассматривает современные технологии 2024 года на архитектурной платформе Unix
Единственный, который создает виртуальную машину в любом облаке:
Единственный, который обрабатывает UNIX с любым облаком, а также интегрируется с наиболее релевантными инструментами
Единственный, который имеет транскрипции UNIX на 16 языках
И, конечно же: sed – tr – base64 – массивы bash ...
Dieser Kurs ist in vielerlei Hinsicht einzigartig: Hier ist eine erste Zusammenfassung:
Es ist der einzige Kurs, der aktuelle Technologien aus dem Jahr 2024 auf einer Unix-Architekturplattform behandelt.
Der einzige, der eine virtuelle Maschine auf jeder Cloud erstellt:
Der einzige, der UNIX mit jeder Cloud behandelt und sich auch in die wichtigsten Tools integrieren lässt
Der einzige, der UNIX-Transkriptionen in 16 Sprachen bietet
Und natürlich: sed – tr – base64 – Bash-Arrays ...
Questo corso è unico per molti aspetti: Ecco una prima riflessione:
È l'unico corso che gestisce le attuali tecnologie 2024 su una piattaforma architettonica Unix
L'unico che crea una macchina virtuale su qualsiasi cloud:
L'unico che gestisce UNIX con qualsiasi cloud e si integra anche con gli strumenti più rilevanti
L'unico che ha trascrizioni UNIX in 16 lingue
E naturalmente: sed – tr – base64 – bash arrays ...
Acest curs este unic din multe puncte de vedere: Aici avem o primă reflectare a acestora:
Este singurul curs care se ocupă de tehnologiile actuale 2024 pe o platformă arhitecturală Unix
Singurul care creează o mașină virtuală pe orice nor:
Singurul care se ocupă de UNIX cu orice cloud și, de asemenea, se integrează cu cele mai relevante instrumente
Singurul care are transcripții UNIX în 16 limbi
Și bineînțeles: sed – tr – base64 – matrice bash...
Ce cours est unique à bien des égards : Nous en avons ici un premier reflet :
C'est le seul cours qui traite des technologies actuelles de 2024 sur une plateforme architecturale Unix
Le seul qui crée une machine virtuelle sur n'importe quel cloud :
Le seul qui gère UNIX avec n'importe quel cloud et s'intègre également aux outils les plus pertinents
Le seul qui dispose de transcriptions UNIX en 16 langues
Et bien sûr : sed – tr – base64 – tableaux bash...
Этот курс уникален во многих отношениях: вот первое их отражение:
Это единственный курс, который рассматривает современные технологии 2024 года на архитектурной платформе Unix
Единственный, который создает виртуальную машину в любом облаке:
Единственный, который обрабатывает UNIX с любым облаком, а также интегрируется с наиболее релевантными инструментами
Единственный, который имеет транскрипции UNIX на 16 языках
И, конечно же: sed – tr – base64 – массивы bash ...
これは、Unix アーキテクチャ プラットフォームで現在の 2024 年のテクノロジーを扱う唯一のコースです
クラウド – コンテナー – 仮想化
任意のクラウドで UNIX を扱い、最も関連性の高いツールと統合する唯一のコースです
16 の言語で UNIX のトランスクリプションを提供する唯一のコースです
そしてもちろん: sed – tr – base64 – bash 配列...
UNIX で何ができるかを示すための情熱
Lesson 03 - Revolution - Revolution

Revolutionary Message - Unix for anyone on the planet!! AnyLang for everyone...Forever!!
Revolutionary Message - Unix for everyone on the planet !! AnyLang for everybody ... Forever !!
Revolutionäre Botschaft – Unix für jeden auf dem Planeten!! AnyLang für alle...Für immer!!
رسالة ثورية - يونكس لأي شخص على هذا الكوكب!! AnyLang للجميع...إلى الأبد!!
বিপ্লবী বার্তা - গ্রহের যে কারো জন্য ইউনিক্স!! সকলের জন্য যেকোন ভাষা... চিরকাল!!
Revolutionary Missatge: Unix for every person on the planet!! AnyLang per a tothom... Per semper!!
革命性的信息 - Unix 适合地球上的任何人! AnyLang 适合所有人...永远!!
혁명적인 메시지 - 지구상의 모든 사람을 위한 유닉스!! 모두를 위한 AnyLang...영원히!!
Message révolutionnaire - Unix pour tous sur la planet!! AnyLang pour tout le monde...Pour toujours!!
क्रांतिकारी संदेश - ग्रह पर किसी के लिए भी यूनि क्स!! AnyLang सबके लिए...हमेशा के लिए!!
Revoluzionario message: Unix per chiunque sul pianeta!! AnyLang per tutti...Per semper!!
革命的なメッセージ - 地球上のすべての人に Unix を!! AnyLang をみんなに…永遠に!!
Revolutionary Message - Unix for everyone on the planet!! AnyLang for everyone...Forever!!
Mesaj revoluționar - Unix pentru origine de pe planetă!! AnyLang pentru toată lumea... Pentru totdeauna!!
Post-lattice revolution – Unix everywhere on the planet!! AnyLang for all... Навсегда!!
Революційне повідомлення - Unix для будь-кого на планеті!! AnyLang для всіх...Назавжди!!
Lección 13 - Idioma - Language - bxx -

Lección 14 - Transcripciones - txx -

Lesson 01 - General Approach

Division of course blocks
Block information
Lesson 02 - Perspective

Brqx - Who am I?
Who are you ? - some interested in improving
Course theme - evolutionary practical course
Implementation - Mac - Unix - Windows - Android
Course style - Everything is explained in a dynamic and agile way
A plant grows and becomes a forest
That is an Architecture
Realization - It can be applied to your company or your home
Culmination - Unix Scripting Defense in all companies and projects in the world
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Reality pills - What we have and what we can get
Important information
Nice Information
Historical Scripting
Current scripting situation - Yaml or hcl transform scripting
Lesson 04 - Automation

What is computing?
Basis of computing - Automation
Way to do things faster
As ?
writing less
thinking more
Quick remembering
Seeing things more clearly
Lesson 05 - Reality

A Unix console
Order (echo)
Current path (command and variable) (pwd)
List (ls)
Improve the existing - Example (ll)
(lg) exists because you cannot create a function from an existing alias
Pipes - what is it based on?
Search order (grep))
Previous example Architecture - terraform
reality pills
Lesson 06 - Information

How do we know what we have?
How do we organize it?
How do we remember it?
Screen cleaning (clear)
File viewer (cat)
A function - piece of code that will do something
Significant extensions
Function loading (the dot (.))
Feature information (-?)
We need adequate, updated, agile and
beautiful for our daily battle
Best Current Editor (Visual Studio Code)
Expression comparator (if)
Base Scripting: Maintain up-to-date documentation of anything you do
Lists of functions (the concept)
Visualization of variables (ways to display them)
This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 07 - Beautiful Information

Information must be beautiful/attractive to be used
colored version of the editor (vim)
We are Visual Species
Color makes things clearer
Let's play with colors (tput)
We will know the "magic"
Defining colors with escape sequences
Prompt concept (ps1)
There is no magic...there is Architecture
Machine name (hostname)
Color commands ( setblue - setgreen )
We will be able to establish our architecture
to inform us in an attractive and visual way
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 08 - Structures

Know what exists - Either error or loss of functionality
Conditions in unix (if .. fi)
Unix loops (for do .. done)
Case selector (case .. esac)
It is important to know the Structures
Unix scripting is for creating what does not exist and improving what exists
but not to lose what already exists
How the vi command currently works (vi | vim | .vimrc)
We cannot use an alias called (do)
We must know the structures
It is not a unix course, but we are learning unix
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 09 - Historical Scripting

What has been used in companies
Customization files (profile)
Environment files (settings)
Some aliases
Why so little ?
It's the saddest part of systems evolution
It is little used due to fear of change
Fear of ignorance
Fear of having to learn
Fear of architectures
Ignorance of its advantages, it only takes time to do it
In Corte Inglés ... "In systems it is not programmed"
At Mapfre... "They did not want to use the architectures"
At Telefónica... "They only saw disadvantages"
Advocate the use of scripting...it's the only way
Current trends are towards this
It's sad, but it's reality
It is a path that we must change
Scripting must be given radical importance to manage systems
Because its advantages are endless
Lesson 10 - Yaml doesn't kill it

A language designed for humans is born (yaml)
A language appears to manage cloud (hcl)
Changing scripts to configuration
Specific tools by large manufacturers
More general tools for clouds
Declarative Programming
The rest of the parameters are recovered from the supplier
Minimal file example for kubernetes ( pod )
Smarter example (deployment)
Aws ec2 example (hcl)
Everything will work with scripts
Because doing things online means spending a lot of time,
apart from possible human errors
All new products can be adapted to your needs and your architecture
Lesson 11 - Unix

Variables and aliases
Problems that Commands can give us
Difference between scripts and functions
Beginning of Architecture
Practical orders
Adjust outputs (cut)
Change outputs (tr)
Change outputs and files (sed)
Let's get to the architecture
Lesson 12 - Variables and Aliases

Differences between variables and aliases
Differences in execution
Alias runs things
What is the environment? What is exported?
Environment is an area of the shell where objects are known.
If it is exported it is known in the child environments
Not everything can be exported
Exporting variables ( export )
A scripting architecture cannot use other environments
Because aliases are practically essential
Everything has to be with the point
Variables are defined at runtime
Lesson 13 - Commands

Know if the Commands ( which ) exist
Know what we have in the environment ( set | env )
Know the defined aliases ( aliases )
command escape (using the escape bar "\ ")
remove aliases (unalias)
It's a scripting course... scripting on unix
and Unix is wonderful
Lesson 14 - Scripts vs Functions

How to charge them
How to invoke them
A script will always exist, it does not depend on the environment
but it is located at a specific point in the system
Backwards (cd -)
A function if it depends on the environment
It will work from any system path
In order to use a scripting architecture you have to use functions
Scripts never appear in the environment information
Both scripts and functions can receive parameters
Parameters are received with dollar ( $ )
If we change a function we have to reload it
When changes are made to the architecture, it will have to be reloaded
Architecture is made with functions and aliases
Scripts are a way to load our architecture,
but for unix scripting they are not practical
Lesson 15 - Architecture I

It has finally arrived !!
An architecture never ends
Generations may even pass
Software, when done well, never ends
Version and date information ( date )
Everything has to be in the environment. Everything is loaded with the dot (.)
Some special functions are the "list" type, they inform us of what is there
We just planted the seed
you have to water it... you have to add spices
You have to make it grow as practical as possible and make it grow pretty
that adapts to each of the projects and companies in the world
Lesson 16 - Architecture II

We are going to have fun
A course should be fun
End of a string ( basename )
Rest of string ( dirname )
It is easy to manage the prompt with unix architectures
When using a PS1 with functions, they are continuously interpreted
The screen is ours, don't let the prompt steal it from us
problems loading files via current paths
A common foundation is required
A place where the scripts are executed and it is always the same
Lesson 17 - Architecture III

We apply "magic" again
It now works from anywhere
Because we start from a common base
Always start from a common path for lists and scripts
Escape sequences in vi (esc:)
All lists have ARQ
Quick file search (ff)
Recursive copy without permissions (cf)
The colors are in the architecture (tput)
Date with composition ( date )
More colorful feature list
We already have the pot planted (architecture)
Need to make it grow
But you already know that it will grow
We know it works
We know it runs from anywhere
Lesson 18 - Practical orders : cut

Adjust outputs (cut)
Change outputs (tr)
Change outputs (sed)
Cut by position ( cut -c )
Cut by delimiter ( cut -d -f )
Clear screen (clear)
Order history
Friend/enemy of administrators
History cut ( h8b = history | cut -c8- )
History more powerful ( h8 = h8b | grep )
Clearing history ( history -c )
Cut at the head / above (head)
Cut at the tail / below (tail)
File format with separators (csv)
Get the system ips (ip a)
Function loading demo
Way to load the architecture in a script
Redirect to null device ( &> /dev/null )
If we want to use the architecture in a script we have to load it previously
Errors are solved, thought about, analyzed
they are being resolved and little by little this is growing
My goal is to show that everything is architecture
and that the protagonists are you
Lesson 19 - Cut - Architecture

I am going to take advantage of each chapter that we see to improve the architecture
and adapting it to the idea of practicality that I want to convey to you
An architecture must be practical and beautiful and we are going to work along those lines.
Anagram is added to the architecture
Function to obtain domain ( getdom )
Architecture load alias (A)
Information aliases ( i )
Ways to debug scripts (trial/error)
You don't have to put all the information
Architecture should be practical and beautiful
Current path (pwd)
It's easy to reload the architecture
It's easy to see the changes
It's easy to evolve
Lesson 20 - Practical Orders: tr

Changing texts in sentences is not done with tr
Change letters with tr
Change from lowercase to uppercase (tr)
Character change by tab with tr ( \t )
Character change by line break with tr ( \n )
Lesson 21 - Tr - Architecture - reflection

We review architectural evolution so far
It is radical that there is a common basis
We already have the perspective of how it has evolved
Conversion to uppercase (mayus)
This is the architectural idea
We have a base that we already understand and we are adding parts
This chapter has helped us not to get lost
Documentation is very important
Document things well and little by little the plant "grows"
Lesson 22 - Practical orders: thirst

Change one word for another (sed s/A/B/g)
Sed advanced/smart - delimiter setting (sed s;A;B;g)
Thirst now is wonderful
adjustment with double bar - sed does not interpret it correctly
changing texts in files (sed)
Lesson 23 - Thirst - architecture

We will try not to mix information from new commands
with architectural changes
To minimize complexity so that no one gets lost
Settings solution with formatting function
New variable for lists (ARQ_L)
Examples with sed (change_file function)
Ease of remembering thirst
Knowledge of something that we know works (that has worked before)
Prepend "z" to stack files/folders in outputs
This is unix scripting...change...A...i
Write as little as possible
Reuse everything and have the information in one place
Lesson 24 - Current Events

Version manager (git)
Architecture platform (terraform)
Container orchestrator (kubernetes)
Amazon cloud (aws)
Microsoft cloud (azure)
Google Cloud (Gcloud)
Economic cloud (Digital Ocean)
Lesson 25 - Git

It is the most important product that has appeared in computing in the last 30 years.
It has allowed variants to appear to do things and now, either it is done well or it disappears.
It's version control
We have some documents/code/images and we don't want them to be lost
We version it... like 1.0
We make changes and want to return to the saved version
We recover the version and everything is the same as before it was lost
It is a local version control
Everything you do with Git is on your computer
Git ecosystem (git flow)
Github is a place where you can find any free program in the world
It is a Microsoft platform where any person/company/organization can upload code
anyone who wants, without paying for it and available to everyone
Gitlab is a github setup for generating pipelines
Github is free unless they are private projects
Gitlab is only free for small projects
Gitlab is a way for things to run themselves
The idea is that you create a version, gitlab notices the change
and automatically deploy that version
Github actions is an adjustment of the gitlab philosophy to github
Git is the "good" Microsoft
By creating Git Microsoft has revolutionized all projects in the world
Microsoft is very good and has many very good things and one of the best things it has is git
Bill Gates changed his story and is now donating millions of dollars to charitable causes
By creating Visual Studio Code he has revolutionized all the editors in the world
Lesson 26 - Git Flow

Git flow:
1. It starts from a main branch
2. A new branch is created locally (checkout)
3. You make changes
4. You upload those changes ( push )
5. Then you have to go to Github to make a merge request
The format of creating things, doing a merge, changing it in a loop is what is called
a pipeline
Other manufacturers such as CircleCI or Jenkins are other alternatives for pipelines
THE basis of any development, of any architecture, is that the changes are uploaded to github
architectures are uploaded to github
developments are uploaded github
We are making free software succeed without paying
May it be the basis of the evolution of humanity in 2023
Git is a friend and github is another friend
Lesson 27 - Use Git

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 28 - Git Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 29 - Cloud - The Cloud

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 30 - Terraform

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 31 - Terraform Use / Flow

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 32 - Terraform Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 33 - Kubernetes

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 34 - Kubernetes Use / Flow

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 35 - Kubernetes Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 36 - Aws

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 37 - Aws Use

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 38 - Aws Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 39 - Azure

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 40 - Azure Use

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 41 - Azure Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 42 - Google Cloud

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 43 - Gcloud Use

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 44 - Gcloud Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 45 - Digital Ocean

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 46 - DOcean Use

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 47 - DOcean Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 48 - Very useful (MyBest)

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 49 - CoN - Agile Recoil

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 50 - g - Search (super grep)

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 51 - f2 - extension filter

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 52 - ren - renamer

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 53 - rep - replacer

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 54 - ch - route changer

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 55 - iPath - Intelligent Path

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 56 - Systems

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 57 - Windows

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 58 - Linux

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 59 - Mac

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 60 - Android

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 61 - Passage to the cloud

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 62 - Aws

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 63 - Azure

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 64 - Google Cloud

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 65 - Digital Ocean

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 66 - Git

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 67 - End of the fun? Revolution !! #scriptingunix

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Saga: SUC 2.0...2025

Multi Language Course - You will be able to do it in any language
-Ali Cloud
New Utilisimas (MyBest 2.0):
- Function II
- Process and Space
- Cut extension (ecut and scut)
- exists file (pending to create)
- pretty counters (pending to create)
- error echoes & output echoes --> E O ---> Make sure function outputs | mistake
-UP function
- is_number
- exist (exist file | ...) - exist_folder
- svgtopng
- flagtomp3
Lesson 01 - General Approach

Division of course blocks
Block information
Lesson 02 - Perspective

Brqx - Who am I?
Who are you ? - some interested in improving
Course theme - evolutionary practical course
Implementation - Mac - Unix - Windows - Android
Course style - Everything is explained in a dynamic and agile way
A plant grows and becomes a forest
That is an Architecture
Realization - It can be applied to your company or your home
Culmination - Unix Scripting Defense in all companies and projects in the world
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Reality pills - What we have and what we can get
Important information
Nice Information
Historical Scripting
Current scripting situation - Yaml or hcl transform scripting
Lesson 04 - Automation

What is computing?
Basis of computing - Automation
Way to do things faster
As ?
writing less
thinking more
Quick remembering
Seeing things more clearly
Lesson 05 - Reality

A Unix console
Order (echo)
Current path (command and variable) (pwd)
List (ls)
Improve the existing - Example (ll)
(lg) exists because you cannot create a function from an existing alias
Pipes - what is it based on?
Search order (grep))
Previous example Architecture - terraform
reality pills
Lesson 06 - Information

How do we know what we have?
How do we organize it?
How do we remember it?
Screen cleaning (clear)
File viewer (cat)
A function - piece of code that will do something
Significant extensions
Function loading (the dot (.))
Feature information (-?)
We need adequate, updated, agile and
beautiful for our daily battle
Best Current Editor (Visual Studio Code)
Expression comparator (if)
Base Scripting: Maintain up-to-date documentation of anything you do
Lists of functions (the concept)
Visualization of variables (ways to display them)
This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 07 - Beautiful Information

Information must be beautiful/attractive to be used
colored version of the editor (vim)
We are Visual Species
Color makes things clearer
Let's play with colors (tput)
We will know the "magic"
Defining colors with escape sequences
Prompt concept (ps1)
There is no magic...there is Architecture
Machine name (hostname)
Color commands ( setblue - setgreen )
We will be able to establish our architecture
to inform us in an attractive and visual way
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 03 - Scripting

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 08 - Structures

Know what exists - Either error or loss of functionality
Conditions in unix (if .. fi)
Unix loops (for do .. done)
Case selector (case .. esac)
It is important to know the Structures
Unix scripting is for creating what does not exist and improving what exists
but not to lose what already exists
How the vi command currently works (vi | vim | .vimrc)
We cannot use an alias called (do)
We must know the structures
It is not a unix course, but we are learning unix
Lesson 04 - Course Start

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 09 - Historical Scripting

What has been used in companies
Customization files (profile)
Environment files (settings)
Some aliases
Why so little ?
It's the saddest part of systems evolution
It is little used due to fear of change
Fear of ignorance
Fear of having to learn
Fear of architectures
Ignorance of its advantages, it only takes time to do it
In Corte Inglés ... "In systems it is not programmed"
At Mapfre... "They did not want to use the architectures"
At Telefónica... "They only saw disadvantages"
Advocate the use of scripting...it's the only way
Current trends are towards this
It's sad, but it's reality
It is a path that we must change
Scripting must be given radical importance to manage systems
Because its advantages are endless
Lesson 10 - Yaml doesn't kill it

A language designed for humans is born (yaml)
A language appears to manage cloud (hcl)
Changing scripts to configuration
Specific tools by large manufacturers
More general tools for clouds
Declarative Programming
The rest of the parameters are recovered from the supplier
Minimal file example for kubernetes ( pod )
Smarter example (deployment)
Aws ec2 example (hcl)
Everything will work with scripts
Because doing things online means spending a lot of time,
apart from possible human errors
All new products can be adapted to your needs and your architecture
Lesson 11 - Unix

Variables and aliases
Problems that Commands can give us
Difference between scripts and functions
Beginning of Architecture
Practical orders
Adjust outputs (cut)
Change outputs (tr)
Change outputs and files (sed)
Let's get to the architecture
Lesson 12 - Variables and Aliases

Differences between variables and aliases
Differences in execution
Alias runs things
What is the environment? What is exported?
Environment is an area of the shell where objects are known.
If it is exported it is known in the child environments
Not everything can be exported
Exporting variables ( export )
A scripting architecture cannot use other environments
Because aliases are practically essential
Everything has to be with the point
Variables are defined at runtime
Lesson 13 - Commands

Know if the Commands ( which ) exist
Know what we have in the environment ( set | env )
Know the defined aliases ( aliases )
command escape (using the escape bar "\ ")
remove aliases (unalias)
It's a scripting course... scripting on unix
and Unix is wonderful
Lesson 14 - Scripts vs Functions

How to charge them
How to invoke them
A script will always exist, it does not depend on the environment
but it is located at a specific point in the system
Backwards (cd -)
A function if it depends on the environment
It will work from any system path
In order to use a scripting architecture you have to use functions
Scripts never appear in the environment information
Both scripts and functions can receive parameters
Parameters are received with dollar ( $ )
If we change a function we have to reload it
When changes are made to the architecture, it will have to be reloaded
Architecture is made with functions and aliases
Scripts are a way to load our architecture,
but for unix scripting they are not practical
Lesson 15 - Architecture I

It has finally arrived !!
An architecture never ends
Generations may even pass
Software, when done well, never ends
Version and date information ( date )
Everything has to be in the environment. Everything is loaded with the dot (.)
Some special functions are the "list" type, they inform us of what is there
We just planted the seed
you have to water it... you have to add spices
You have to make it grow as practical as possible and make it grow pretty
that adapts to each of the projects and companies in the world
Lesson 16 - Architecture II

We are going to have fun
A course should be fun
End of a string ( basename )
Rest of string ( dirname )
It is easy to manage the prompt with unix architectures
When using a PS1 with functions, they are continuously interpreted
The screen is ours, don't let the prompt steal it from us
problems loading files via current paths
A common foundation is required
A place where the scripts are executed and it is always the same
Lesson 17 - Architecture III

We apply "magic" again
It now works from anywhere
Because we start from a common base
Always start from a common path for lists and scripts
Escape sequences in vi (esc:)
All lists have ARQ
Quick file search (ff)
Recursive copy without permissions (cf)
The colors are in the architecture (tput)
Date with composition ( date )
More colorful feature list
We already have the pot planted (architecture)
Need to make it grow
But you already know that it will grow
We know it works
We know it runs from anywhere
Lesson 18 - Practical orders : cut

Adjust outputs (cut)
Change outputs (tr)
Change outputs (sed)
Cut by position ( cut -c )
Cut by delimiter ( cut -d -f )
Clear screen (clear)
Order history
Friend/enemy of administrators
History cut ( h8b = history | cut -c8- )
History more powerful ( h8 = h8b | grep )
Clearing history ( history -c )
Cut at the head / above (head)
Cut at the tail / below (tail)
File format with separators (csv)
Get the system ips (ip a)
Function loading demo
Way to load the architecture in a script
Redirect to null device ( &> /dev/null )
If we want to use the architecture in a script we have to load it previously
Errors are solved, thought about, analyzed
they are being resolved and little by little this is growing
My goal is to show that everything is architecture
and that the protagonists are you
Lesson 19 - Cut - Architecture

I am going to take advantage of each chapter that we see to improve the architecture
and adapting it to the idea of practicality that I want to convey to you
An architecture must be practical and beautiful and we are going to work along those lines.
Anagram is added to the architecture
Function to obtain domain ( getdom )
Architecture load alias (A)
Information aliases ( i )
Ways to debug scripts (trial/error)
You don't have to put all the information
Architecture should be practical and beautiful
Current path (pwd)
It's easy to reload the architecture
It's easy to see the changes
It's easy to evolve
Lesson 20 - Practical Orders: tr

Changing texts in sentences is not done with tr
Change letters with tr
Change from lowercase to uppercase (tr)
Character change by tab with tr ( \t )
Character change by line break with tr ( \n )
Lesson 21 - Tr - Architecture - reflection

We review architectural evolution so far
It is radical that there is a common basis
We already have the perspective of how it has evolved
Conversion to uppercase (mayus)
This is the architectural idea
We have a base that we already understand and we are adding parts
This chapter has helped us not to get lost
Documentation is very important
Document things well and little by little the plant "grows"
Lesson 22 - Practical orders: thirst

Change one word for another (sed s/A/B/g)
Sed advanced/smart - delimiter setting (sed s;A;B;g)
Thirst now is wonderful
adjustment with double bar - sed does not interpret it correctly
changing texts in files (sed)
Lesson 23 - Thirst - architecture

We will try not to mix information from new commands
with architectural changes
To minimize complexity so that no one gets lost
Settings solution with formatting function
New variable for lists (ARQ_L)
Examples with sed (change_file function)
Ease of remembering thirst
Knowledge of something that we know works (that has worked before)
Prepend "z" to stack files/folders in outputs
This is unix scripting...change...A...i
Write as little as possible
Reuse everything and have the information in one place
Lesson 24 - Current Events

Version manager (git)
Architecture platform (terraform)
Container orchestrator (kubernetes)
Amazon cloud (aws)
Microsoft cloud (azure)
Google Cloud (Gcloud)
Economic cloud (Digital Ocean)
Lesson 25 - Git

It is the most important product that has appeared in computing in the last 30 years.
It has allowed variants to appear to do things and now, either it is done well or it disappears.
It's version control
We have some documents/code/images and we don't want them to be lost
We version it... like 1.0
We make changes and want to return to the saved version
We recover the version and everything is the same as before it was lost
It is a local version control
Everything you do with Git is on your computer
Git ecosystem (git flow)
Github is a place where you can find any free program in the world
It is a Microsoft platform where any person/company/organization can upload code
anyone who wants, without paying for it and available to everyone
Gitlab is a github setup for generating pipelines
Github is free unless they are private projects
Gitlab is only free for small projects
Gitlab is a way for things to run themselves
The idea is that you create a version, gitlab notices the change
and automatically deploy that version
Github actions is an adjustment of the gitlab philosophy to github
Git is the "good" Microsoft
By creating Git Microsoft has revolutionized all projects in the world
Microsoft is very good and has many very good things and one of the best things it has is git
Bill Gates changed his story and is now donating millions of dollars to charitable causes
By creating Visual Studio Code he has revolutionized all the editors in the world
Lesson 26 - Git Flow

Git flow:
1. It starts from a main branch
2. A new branch is created locally (checkout)
3. You make changes
4. You upload those changes ( push )
5. Then you have to go to Github to make a merge request
The format of creating things, doing a merge, changing it in a loop is what is called
a pipeline
Other manufacturers such as CircleCI or Jenkins are other alternatives for pipelines
THE basis of any development, of any architecture, is that the changes are uploaded to github
architectures are uploaded to github
developments are uploaded github
We are making free software succeed without paying
May it be the basis of the evolution of humanity in 2023
Git is a friend and github is another friend
Lesson 27 - Use Git

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 28 - Git Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 29 - Cloud - The Cloud

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 30 - Terraform

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 31 - Terraform Use / Flow

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 32 - Terraform Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 33 - Kubernetes

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 34 - Kubernetes Use / Flow

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 35 - Kubernetes Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 36 - Aws

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 37 - Aws Use

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 38 - Aws Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 39 - Azure

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 40 - Azure Use

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 41 - Azure Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 42 - Google Cloud

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 43 - Gcloud Use

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 44 - Gcloud Arq

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 45 - Digital Ocean

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 46 - DOcean Use

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 47 - DOcean Arq

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 48 - Very useful (MyBest)

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 49 - CoN - Agile Recoil

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 50 - g - Search (super grep)

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 51 - f2 - extension filter

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 52 - ren - renamer

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 53 - rep - replacer

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 54 - ch - route changer

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 55 - iPath - Intelligent Path

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 56 - Systems

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 57 - Windows

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 58 - Linux

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 59 - Mac

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 60 - Android

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 61 - Passage to the cloud

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 62 - Aws

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 63 - Azure

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 64 - Google Cloud

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 65 - Digital Ocean

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Lesson 66 - Git

This is the description of your project. Provide a brief description to explain the context and background of your work. Click “Edit Text” or double-click the box to begin.
Lesson 67 - End of the fun? Revolution !! #scriptingunix

Important Information | Pretty
Historical Scripting
Current scripting status
Saga: SUC 2.0...2025

Multi Language Course - You will be able to do it in any language
-Ali Cloud
New Utilisimas (MyBest 2.0):
- Function II
- Process and Space
- Cut extension (ecut and scut)
- exists file (pending to create)
- pretty counters (pending to create)
- error echoes & output echoes --> E O ---> Make sure function outputs | mistake
-UP function
- is_number
- exist (exist file | ...) - exist_folder
- svgtopng
- flagtomp3